Hey! I'm Hari, a student at University of Maryland and an avid CTF player, interested in cryptography and security.
My email address is emh (at) umd.edu.

Me, at Crypto 23!
Main Interests
I am mainly interested in cryptography and network security. I specifically study post quantum lattice based protocols, threshold cryptography, and secure multiparty computation. I also enjoy learning about math, and some topics I am interested in include algebraic number theory and elliptic curves.
- Research Assistant at MC2, working on zero knowledge, PQC, and MPC
- President of CSEC@UMD
- Cryptography Intern at Trail of Bits; worked on implementing Post Quantum Key Encapsulation
- Research Assistant at REU CAAR; worked on security estimation and PQC
- Improved side channel attacks and security estimation on Kyber. MathPQC (Aug 8, 2024). (Poster)
- zk-promises: Making zero-knowledge objects accept the call for banning and reputation. NYU Crypto Reading Group (Aug 14, 2024) and CMSC 818L (Sep 9, 2024). (Slides)
- Anonymous Forums with Reputation. CACTUS/P (June 20, 2024). (Slides)
- Security Estimation for Post-Quantum Cryptosystems. REU CAAR UMD (Aug 10, 2022) and SRP Convention (Jan 26, 2023). (Slides)
- Return Oriented Programming. Guest, John's Hopkins University, EN.601.229 (Jul 19, 2024). (Slides)
- Garbled Circuits and MPC. CSEC at UMD (Apr 04, 2024). (Slides)
- Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields, and Intro to Isogenies. Math Club at UMD (Mar 11, 2024). (Slides)
- Multiparty Computation and GMW. Guest, MBHS Cybersecurity Club (Jan 10, 2024). (Slides)
- Lattice based Cryptanalysis. CSEC at UMD (Oct 25, 2023). (Slides)
- Lattices and Cryptography. Math Club at UMD (Oct 23, 2023). (Slides)
- Instructor for CMSC398U: Secure Multiparty Computation.
- Instructor for CMSC398R: Binary Exploitation.
Free Time
In my spare time, I like to cycle, climb, cook, and occasionally play the saxophone. I also enjoy playing badminton and table tennis.
I also enjoy messing with amateur radio. My call sign is KC3MGG.